
Novella update. Thoughts on Audiobooks?

First draft of the novella is done and sent to my alpha reader! (Although now that I’ve finished it, I’m convinced it is terrible and needs a lot of work. But I suppose that’s the next step. Try to make it suck less. And repeat until it’s shareable.)

It took I think a total of 10 days to draft, and will probably take another 10 days for the ‘make it suck less’ process. 

I want to attempt, as an experiment, to do it as an audiobook, as well.

Do you like audiobooks? I consume a lot, so I thought it might be worth it. But it could be too much trouble or beyond my abilities. But I do want to know if this is a possibility going forward.

What do you think. Audiobooks, yay or nay? Worth it?